Page 174 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
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are barely more (5 )______ than they were fifty years ago.        COMPORT
        In others, the experts have (6 )______ the number of things      ESTIMATE
        that must go right before an (7 )______changes our lives.            INVITE
        It takes more than just One bright idea -  thorough (8 )_____       SEARCH
        is needed when developing a new product. In (9 )____      social         ADD
        and psychological factors determ ine whether or not a new
        product or Service will be (10)______ adopted.                          WIDE

        32.              BUSINESS ETIQUETTE IN BRITAIN
        Most (0) fo reig n ers who visit Britain are surprised to find     EOREIGN
        that its inhabitants are more informal than they had
        imagined. It is (1 )______ common to use lĩrst names in          INCREASE
        most situations even without any personal (2 )______ .         INTRODUCE
        Handshaking is (3 )______ except for íĩrst meetings, or     APPROPRIATE
       when people see each other again after a long (4 )______ .           ABSENT
       Also surprising is the British attitude towards (5 )______ .     PUNCTUAL
        Business meetings frequently start ten minutes late and,
        on social occasions it is (6 )______ to arrive on time. If you       POLITE
       receive a dinner (7 )______ , you should arrive ten to twenty         INVITE
       minutes after the stated time. In conversation, politeness is
       valued, so British people avoid strong (8 )______ of opinion.          STATE
        This sometimes gives the impression that they are (9 )______ ,      DECIDE
       but is in fact just their way of avoiding (10)______or                ARGUE

        33.                         CHILD ATHLETES

        Child sporting prodigies risk serious (0) p sỵch o lo g ica l  PSYCHOLOGY
        and physical damage, an (1 )______ group of American           INELUENCE
        doctors has warned. The American Academy of Paediatrics
        has found that children who (2 )______in one sport beíore          SPECIAL
        puberty can suffer (3 )______ burnout, as well as damage          EMOTION
       to joints and bones, and heart problems. Furthermore,
        (4 )______ is the time when healthy eating habits should              CHILD
       be established, but children doing sports like gymnastics,
       where (5 )______ is important, may not receive proper              SLENDER
        nutrition. Accordingly, the Academy suggests (6 )______          AMBITION
       parents think twice beíore forcing young children into
        intensive (7 )______ regimes. Another factor is that child            TRAIN
        athletes who are (8 )______ early in life often have short         SUCCESS
       careers, while those who focus on one sport only after
       puberty are more (9 )______ perlormers in the long term                  RELY
        and suffer from fewer (10)______.                                    INJURE

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