Page 169 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 169
Residents in quiet (0) n eigh bou rh oods EU"e sometimes so NEIGHBOUR
confídent that their houses will not be burgled, that they
often leave their doors (1 )______ . Statistics show that in LOCK
two (2 )______ out of ten, the thief does not have to force BURGLAR
his way in, as the door or window has been (3 )______ open. LEAVE
An initiative for the (4) of this type of crime has PREVENT
now been launched by the police. They want us to pay
more attention to the (5 )______of our homes and take SECURE
some simple precautions.
First, we should (6 )______any weak spots in our homes STRONG
where a thief could get in. For example, (7 )______windows BREAK
and old garage doors must be replaced. It is worth the
(8 )______of a sum of money, however large, as it will buy INVEST
us piece of mind. Secondly, it is (9 )______never to leave ADVISE
spare keys in (10)__ ___places such as flower-pots because HIDE
a thief will always look there íírst.
With the (0) d evelo p m en t of fast motorway Systems in m any DEVELOP
countries, once remote parts of the countryside are (1 )______ INCREASE
becoming (2 )______ to people who live in towns and cities. ACCESS
In many parts of the world, rising (3 )______ incomes have PERSON
resulted in mass (4 )__ of motor cars at a time when OWNER
people have more leisure time to fill.
This means that there is a lot of (5) _ on the countryside PRESS
to accept a growing number of visitors. In Britain, for example,
the (6 )______ parks are used by more than one hundred million NATION
people annually.
In (7 )_____, similar numbers visit areas that do not enjoy the ADD
Same level of (8 )_____. Some people regard this invasion of PROTECT
the countryside as (9 )______ and they have begun campaigning DESIRE
to try and save some aspects of (10) rural culture. TRADITION
When I got home I knew (0) im m e d ia te ly that someone IMMEDIATE
had broken into the flat in my (1 )______ . The signs that ABSENT
the locks had been forced were (2 )______. Because I was MISTAKE
(3 )______ that the burglars might still be there I rang the WORRY
police ílrst. Burglars can be (4 )______when surprised and VIOLENCE
it would have been very (5 )______to put myself into a RESPONSE
potentially (6 )______ situation instead of making a phone DANGER
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