Page 166 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 166
10. SCIENCE 2002
“Science 2002” is the name given to an (0) i m a g i n a t i v e IMAGINE
development which aims to make (1)______and SCIENCE
technological developments exciting, even to people who
thought they were (2 )______in the subject. As well as its INTEREST
mEÚn perm anent (3)______there is also a changing EXHIBIT
(4)______of educational programmes, such as sessions SELECT
for schools and dblleges, and adult (5)______courses. TRAIN
Everyone can sh2ire the (6)______of experiment and EXCITE
discovery. Even (7)______visitors can carry out simple EXPERIENCE
experiments with the help of (8)______who are always SPECIAL
available to give thexn all the (9)______advice and PRACTICE
guidance they need. What’s more, the friendly staff are
keen to provide a (10)______atmosphere. WELCOME
Given its reputation as a (0) h i g h l y fashion-conscious city, HIGH
it seems íĩtting that Milan should be the site of a unique
testament to man’s (1)______: the world’s only museum VAIN
of shaving. The (2) of razors and other items COLLECT
( 3 ) _ to shaving was put together hy three generations RELATE
of the Lorenzi family, who íírst opened a shop there sixty-
eight years ago. (4)______, the shop de^dt in scissors, ORIGIN
knives and other items of (5)______, but today it has CUT
become a centre for (6 )______ craíted Sharp Instrum ents EINE
of all types. In the museum, there is an (7)______which EXHIBIT
charts the history of shaving (8)__ from the earliest EQUIP
prehistoric blades right through to the modern electric
razor. Along the way, we see a number of (9)______ CURIOUS
including razors with lights attached and others which
spray jets of water (10)______at the appropriate moment. AUTOMATIC
In his (0) i n f o r m a t i v e book, Fit for Skiing, Dr Gordon Blank INFORM
encourages serious skiers to do a lot of jumping to reduce
the risk of (1)______Compared with other sports, he says, INJURE
skiing requires all-round (2)______. There are a number FIT
of (3)______which are ideal for improving leg and upper ACTIVE
body power.
The best (4)______are those which are similar to skiing MOVE
itself, such as side-to-side jumps over a box, which will
(5)______increase strength. Most people stop jumping GRADUAL
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouốc gia môn Tiếng Anh 167