Page 162 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 162

37  1.  but / though  4.  For      7. those       10. only       13. time
         2.  more       5. over         8.  until      11.  least     14. of
         3. one         6.  beíore      9. comes       12. else       15.  matter

     38  1. as / since  4. alone        7. Why         10.can         13. vvhether
         2. with        5.  means       8. same        11. of         14. or
         3. to          6.  being       9.  itselí     12.  having    15.  like

     39  1. as          4.  However     7. than        10. yet        13. this
         2.  in         5. to           8. atter       11. there      14. for
         3.  being      6.  Its         9. vvhich      12. them       15. addition

     40  1. There       4.  itselt      7. their       10.  least     13. to
         2. way         5. when         8.  It         11. on         14. own
         3. to          6.  other       9. few         12.  in        15. well / more

                              WORD FORMATION

     Read  the texts  belovv.  Use  the  word  given  in  capitals at the  end  of each  line
     to form  a word that fits in the space  in the same  line. There  is an  example at
     the beginning  (0).

     1.                  GROWING UP IN A BIG PAMILY

     (0)  U n l i k e  most people I have ever met, I grew up in a           LIKE
     family of eight children. As the eldest, I suppose I inherited
     a position with some beneííts but also quite a few (1)______ ADVANTAGE
     I never had a room of my own — so (2)______space is                 PERSON
     something I’ve little experiencc of. On the other hand, our
     house was often so (3)______, with childrcn running in all            CHAOS
     (4)______, that we were able to get away with a lot. Also,           DIRECT
     with seven brothers and sisters on hand there was always
     the (5)______of something different to do.                        POSSIBLE
     Needless to say, it was often (6)______diíílcult for Mum          EXTREME
     or Dad to get our (7)       . Sometimes if Mum wanted               ATTEND
     some help she would just call out all eight names, (8)___           REGARD
     of who she really wanted, just to see who came running.
    As children we often had (9) _____ , but now that we’re               ARGUE
     adults we get on (10)______whencver we meet up.                 EANTASTIC

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