Page 164 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 164
were íílled with haiir and small stones - a (6)______ PAIN
experience for anyone who was hit by one. (7)______, balls LUCK
£ire now signiíícantly (8)______, consisting of two half shells LIGHT
of rubber covered with cloth. They are also more (9)______ COLOUR
than before; bright yellow is a lot (10)______to see on our TV EASY
screens than the traditional white.
For some (0) v i s i t o r s , the main attraction of damaica lies in VISIT
its glorious beaches and all the (1)______of the nightlife that EXCITE
is associated with them. And indeed, our íĩrst-class hotel is
located on its own (2)______beach on the island’s north coast. AMAZE
In terms of (3)______, the hotel oíĩers the full range of ENTERTAIN
(4)______water sports during the day, plus a chance to relax THRILL
or dance to local music in the evening. But, (5)______many LIKE
tourists, your contact with the real damaica will not be
(6)______to what you see from the window of the airport bus LIMIT
because we organise trips into the (7)______interior of the DRAMA
island. You will be (8)______by jeep, high up into the
Blue Mountains, with their (9)______mists, deep valleys DRIVE
and lush vegetation. Your visit to a small coffee farm will ROMANCE
be (10)______as you are guaranteed to discover some of EORGET
the secrets of the world famous coffee.
At this time of year thousands of (0) s t u d e n t s who want STUDY
summer jobs start filling in (1)______forms and worrying APPLY
about how to write a good cv. To make a positive (2)______ IMPRESS
on prospective (3)______you should follow a few basic rules. EMPLOY
The íirst one is that it should be no longer than two pages
and written in simple (4)______. Divide the content into STATE
several parts, with each part under a (5)______and do not HEAD
forget to include relevant (6)______work experience, and TRAIN
a description of any positions of (7) __ you have had. RESPONSIBLE
Remember to emphasise your (8)_ _ by drawing attention STRONG
to your skills. But when it comes to your weaknesses, (9)______ HONEST
is the best policy. And if you are (10)______with your íírst SATISEY
draft, start again!
For all of us, close (0) p e r s o n a l friends are important. Good PERSON
friends are above all (1)______people who you can trust to RELY
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Ouốc í;ici môn TiếnỊiAnh - 165