Page 165 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 165
keep a secret. If you have a problem to solve, or a (2)______ CONPESS
to make, they will listen and give you (3)______advice. HELP
Their (4)______is such, that they do not expoct anything GENEROUS
in return, but they know with (5)______that you would do CERTAIN
the same for them. Close friends are (6)______ever to let LIKE
you down or make you feel (7) when you tell them RIDICULE
about your problems. On the contríiry they are a real source
of (8)______when you feel weak and in need of support. STRONG
They will tell you (9)______what they think, and help you SINCERE
íínd your way out. As a result, your (10)______will grow ERIEND
even stronger.
Nothing lasts forever. For one group of materials (0) s c i e n t i s t s SCIENCE
Working at a London museum, that is the problem. Their
area of (1)______is the care of some extremely ancient RESPONSIBLE
objects, including (2)______and textiles. It is, however, DRAW
the (3)______of more modern materials that the group PRESERVE
íĩnds really (4)______. Fax paper, for example, only lasts CHALLENGE
for six months, whilst books printed as (5)______as the RECENT
1980s are already beginning to fall apart.
A similar fate awaits many of the (6)______of the tvventieth INVENT
century. Films, vinyl records and Aoppy discs will all have
(7)______from the face of the Earth many years before the APPEAR
( 8 ) _ _ ancient objects in the museum. In the so-called age VALUE
of(9) ___the group sees this lack of durability as really INPORM
( 10) _ for museums all over the world.
Kids love karting. Contrary to populeir (0) b e l i e f , karting is no BELIEVE
more (1)______than riding a bicycle. If anything, it’s a bit safer DANGER
because karts have four wheels. If there are going to be any (2)__, INJURE
they are most (3) to be in the form of aching hands and LIKE
wrists. All karting centres provide the necessary (4) _____, OVER
helmets and gloves and it is a good idea for (5)_____ to wear TEEN
long trousers and trainers. Unlike seaside and amusement park
karting centres, where (6)______is used to decide who can HIGH
participate, (7)______karting centres set a lower age limit PROEESSION
and require an adult’s (8)_____before allowing a child in. SIGN
Because it is regarded as (9)______, no more than five karts SAFE
operate at any one time, so a long wait is often (10)______. AVOID
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