Page 170 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 170

call.  Two policemen arrived soon after. Their (7 )______        EFFICIENT
         reEilly impressed me.  (8 )______ not a lot had been taken,        FORTUNE
         but the flat was in a (9 )______mess, with things all over           TERROR
         the íloor. The police were very (10)        and even         UNDERSTAND
         helped me put things away.

         2 1 .                          OUT OF WORK

         Since my brother has been (0) u n e m p l o y e d  he has gradually  EMPLOY
         become more and more (1 )______. I suppose it’s because              FORGET
         he doesn’t have to be so (2 )______ anymore. He doesn’t              SYSTEM
         have the same (3 )______ routine as the other members of the              DAY
         family. We all get up quite early,  (4 )______before 7 a.m.,         PREFER
         shower, have a (5 )______ breakfast and leave for work or            HEALTH
         school before my brother gets up. We try to be (6 )______ of      TOLERATE
         his (7 )______ but it’s not always easy.  Of course we all           BEHAVE
         feel very (8 )______ towards him, because it’s not his fault     SYMPATHY
         that most of the (9 )______ at the factory lost their jobs.  TECHNOLOGY
          (10)______levels were above average but people are not            PRODUCE
         buying so many cars.

         22.            EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES CITY CENTRE

          The (0) d e t e c t ỉ o n  of an earthquake measuring five          DETECT
         on the Richter scale caused panic but no (1 )______ ,                INJURE
         although there was some (2)          damage to many             STRUCTURE
         older buildings. A (3 )__ ___issued hy the Ministry of                 STATE
         the Environment said that food (4 )______centres               DISTRIBUTE
         have been established. Charitable (5 )______are                   ORGANISE
         helping to provide shelter for the (6 )_____ families              FORTUNE
          affected hy the earthquake. Purther (7 )______is being               ASSIST
          provided hy aid organisations but (8 )______financÌ2d                    ADD
          (9 )______ are needed. Those wishing to make even                   DONATE
         the smallest (10)         should call 0171 4503456.           CONTRIBUTE

          23.                 BRITAIN & GREECE FESTIVAL

         I f  A t h e n s   i s   a l l   G r e e k   t o  y o u ,   t r y   v ỉ s ỉ t ỉ n g   i n   N o v e m b e r .
         I t ’s   f e s t i v a l   t i m e !
          Lord Byron, Champion of Greek (0) i n d e p e n d e n c e , could  DEPEND
          hardly have imagined it. Today, years after his (1 )______ ,              DIE
          2 million of his compatriots, although less (2 )______, make           HERO
          the annuEd (3 )______ to Greece for the “Britain and Greece        PILGRIM
          The (4 )______ Ambassador speaks of the festival as a              BRITAIN
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