Page 175 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 175

34.                   A MODERN ITALIAN ARTIST
      Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) was an Italian painter and
      sculptor whose (0) o rig in a l paintings, which were characterised   ORIGIN
      by asymmetry of composition,  (1 )______ of figure, and simple         LONG
      but (2 )______ use of line, are among the most important of    M ONUM ENT
      the 20th century. They have also gained (3 )______for the         PO PULAR
      entirely personal atmosphere with which they are invested:
      a kind of mute (4 )______ between the artist and sitter that     RELATION
      implicates the spectator in a truly (5 )______way.                  REMARK
      After suffering from serious illnesses as a child, he was
      forced to give up (6 )______ education, and it was then that  CONVENTION
      he began to study painting. After his studies in Italy,
      Modigliani left for Paris. There, he was overwhelmed hy
      the painting of Paul Cezanne, which exerted an (7 )______        QUESTION
      inAuence on the earliest phase of his work. Purthermore,
      his (8 )______ study of Aírican sculpture made a prolound           EXTEND
      impression on his painting style. Modigliani was not a
      professional portraitist in the strict sense of the word. His
      paintings are almost always portraits of relatives,  (9 )_____  of   PER SO N
      the Parisian literary scene of his times and the contemporary
      artistic world, along with many portraits of (10)______ persons.  IDENTIEY
      35.               THE PRESENTATIO N OF HISTORY

      When dealing with (0) sen sitiv e issues such as the                  SEN SE
      atrocities of war and man’s (1 )______to man, interpreters           HUMAN
      of history may try in vain to gi ve an even-handed (2 )______         TREAT
      of the subject. This creates the danger of “softening” the
      image to make it a little less (3 )______, a little less           HORROR
      (4 )______and a little more acceptable to the general                 SHAME
      audience. This is an injustice to history, with too much
      emphasis put on the bland and not enough on the harsh
      reality of the past. Interpreting our heritage is not a soft
      option where all that is required is a nice,  (5 )______view   SENTIM ENT
      of the past. It requires a full working (6 )______of the          PERCEIVE
      issues and the evidence, together with a (7 )__     to be               WILL
      open about the strengths and weaknesses of our ability to
      interpret in a way that (8 )______ understanding. If                    DEEP
      (9 )______is required to do that, then it should not be           PROVOKE
      avoided for fear of presenting something (10)______ .                 AGREE

      36.                         PRECIO US METAL
      Gold has several qualities that have made it a commodity of
      (0)  ex cep tio n a l value throughout history. It is attractive in EXCEPTION

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