Page 177 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 177

38.                   ALL WORK AND NO PLAY ...
          Plajãng is a serious business. Children engrossed in a make-
          believe world, fox cubs play fighting, or kittens teasing a
         ball of string, aren’t just having fun. Play may look like a
          (0) careỊree and exuberant way to pass the time before the             CARE
          hard work of (1 )______ comes along, but there’s much more           ADULT
          to it than that.  For a start, play can be dangerous and costs
          some animals their lives. It is also extremely (2 )______ in           COST
          terms of energy. Nature tends not to waste energy so there
          must be a reason for this dangerous and strenuous activity.
          Pla5àng is a (3 )______ for the development of intelligence.      REQUIRE
          Current theory posits that more of the brain is involved
          in play than was previously believed. Play certainly seems
          to (4 )_____higher cognitive processes because it involves               ACT
          complex (5 )______ of playmates, ideas of reciprocity and            ASSESS
          the use of (6 )______ signals and rules.                           SPECIAL
          It is already known that juveniles denied the opportunity
          for play lose the ability to apply social rules when they do
          interact with their peers.  Children destined to suffer
          mental illnesses as adults engage in precious little social
          play early in life. The effect of depriving normal children
          of play is still (7 )______ , but the implication is that              KNOW
          (8 )______and learning abilities could be adversely                 CREATE
          affected. With (9 )______ beginning earlier and becoming            SCHOOL
          (10)______more exam-oriented, the time afforded to               INCREASE
          play is obviously being reduced. What the result will be
          is likely to cause concern.

          39.                  PROTECTING YOUR RIGHTS
          Copyright is the inalienable,  (0) le g a lly secured right to        LEGAL
          publish, reproduce, and sell the matter and form of a
          literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work. Copyright is
          designed (1 )______ to protect an artist, publisher, or other     SPECIEIC
          owner against any (2 )______copying of his works -  as hy      AUTHORISE
          reproducing the work in any material form, publishing it,
          períorming it in public, íĩlming it, broadcasting it, causing
          it to be distributed to (3 )______or making any adaptation     SUBSCRIBE
          of the work. A Copyright supplies a Copyright holder with
          a kind of (4 )______ over the created material, which assures           OWN
          him of both control over its use and the monetary beneíĩts
          derived from it.  (5 )______, copyrights grew out of the           HISTORY
          same System as royal patent grants, hy which certain

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