Page 178 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 178
authors and printers were given the (6 )___ right to EXCLUDE
publish books and other materials. The (7) ___purpose^ BASE
of such grants was not to protect authors’ or publishers’
rights but to raise government revenue and to give governing
authorities control over (8 )______contents. The Statute of PUBLIC
Anne, passcd in England in 1710, was a (9 )______ in the MILE
history of Copyright law as it recognised that authors should
be the (1 0 )______ benefíciaries of copjTÌght law. Today, the PRIME
Berne Convention of 1886 and the Universal Copyright
Convention of 1955 protect rights on an international level
recognised in all countries.
Gift exchange, which is also C2dled (0) cerem o n ia l exchange, CEREMONY
is the transfer of goods or Services that, although regarded as
(1 ) _____by people involved, is part of the expected social VOLUNTEER
(2 ) _____. Gift exchange may be distinguished from other BEHAVE
types of exchange in several respects: the íĩrst offering is made
in a generous manner and there is no haggling betvveen donor
and (3 )______ ; the exchange is an expression of an existing RECEIVE
social relationship or of the establishment of a new one that
diíTers from (4 )______ market relationships; and the proíít in PERSON
gift exchange may be in the sphere of social relationships and
prestige rather than in material advantage. The gift-exchange
cycle entails (5 )______ to give, to receive, and to return. OBLIGE
Sanctions may exist to induce people to give, (6 )______or loss APPROVE
of prestige resulting from a ĩailure to do so. (7) to accept REEUSE
a gift may be seen as rejection of social relations and may lead
to enmity. The reciprocity of the cycle rests in the necessity to
return the gift; the prestige associated with the appearance
of (8 )______dictates that the value of the return be GENEROUS
( 9) _ ___equal to or greater than the value of the APPROXIMATE
origin£d gift. Alongside its obvious economic functions, gift
exchange is (10)______ expression of social relations. SIGNIEY
1 1. disadvantages 3. chaotic 5. possibility 7. attention 9. arguments
2. personal 4. directions 6. extremely 8. regardless 10. tantastically
2 1. endangered 3. disappearance 5. hunters 7. natural 9. pollution
2. biggest 4. protection 6. effective 8. increasingly 10. avvareness
3 1. bigger 3. easily 5. numerous 7. Untortunately 9. mountaineers
2. exciting 4. traditional 6. inexperienced 8. threatening 10. evidence
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oiiốc ỉtia môn TiểnỊỉAnh - 179