Page 181 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 181
34 l.elongation 3. popularity 5. remarkable 7. unquestionable 9. personalities
2. monumental 4. relationship 6. conventional 8. extensive 10. unidentified
35 l.inhumanity 3. horriíic 5. sentimental 7. vvillingness 9. provocation
2. treatment 4. shameíul 6. perception 8. deepens 10. disagreeable
36 1. indestructibility 3. unequalled 5. íavoured 7. exploitation 9. economic
2. comparatively 4. attention 6. decorative 8. unprecedented 10. captivated
37 I.Typically 3. graceíul 5. unhindered 7. proíessionalised 9. commercial
2. dramatised 4. precedence 6. encouraging 8. departure 10. spontaneity
38 1. adulthood 3. requirement 5. assessments 7. unknown 9. schooling
2. costly 4. activate 6. specialised 8. creativity 10. increasingly
39 1. speciíically 3. subscribers 5. Historically 7. basic 9. milestone
2. unauthorised 4. ovvnership 6. exclusỉve 8. publicised 10. primary
40 l.voluntary 3. recipient 5. obligations 7. Reíusal 9. approximately
2. behaviour 4. impersonal 6. disapproval 8. generosity 10. signiíicant
Think of one word only vvhich can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. ....appreciate....
• One doesn’t need to be an expert to a p p re c ia te the beauty of classical
• He seems coníídent that houses in this area will a p p re c ia te in value in
the next few years.
• ru always a p p re c ỉa te your help and support.
• He was aíraid that his revolutionary proposals w ould______ with strong
opposition from hardliners.
• The Chinese factories were operating non stop churning out shoes to
the demand in Europe and the us.
• With only 200 dollars a month, the family struggled to make en d s______ .
The birds build their nests in early September and begin to their
eggs two weeks later, always being on the lookout for predators.
The press speculated whether the new telecommunications company was
going t o ______ cables on the seabed to improve the existing System.
One of my responsibilities at home is t o ______ the table in the evening.
182 - Vĩnh Bá