Page 173 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 173
project, most (8) , Anim al Kingdom, in Plorida. RECENT
Bill is a (9 )____ , charming and modest man. He DELIGHT
(10) ___ ___ knows all the plants by both their common CERTAIN
and Latin names and speaks to them regularly.
I will never forget the most (0) w o n d erfu l moment in our WONDER
career when we were gi ven the highest score for our (1 )__ _ PEREORM
in the ice-skating championship (2 )______at Helsinki. COMPETE
We received the (3 )______ score of nine marks of 6.0, BELIEVABLE
which was the maximum score that could be given.
The (4 )______ of time that we had spent practising our LONG
dance routine finally paid off. The (5 )______that we had DIEEICULT
found with some of the (6 )______ pieces we had chosen MUSIC
was soon overcome and becoming (7 )______was only a FAME
matter of time.
Those were the (8 )______ days of being young and EXCITE
(9 )______about everything and having the íeeling that OPTIMISM
our (10) would never lessen. POPULAR
Dear Sirs,
I (0) recen tly flew Swiftair across Europe for the íĩrst time. RECENT
It was the most (1 )______ trip I have ever had on a plane. ENJOY
I cannot mention enough positive things about the (2 )_____ FLY
To begin with, we took off (3 )______. The trip followed PUNCTUAL
all the safety (4 )______ of lATA. The cabin REGULATE
(5 ) _____were outstandingly polite. There were ATTEND
(6 ) _____programmes for children and adults. I ENTERTAIN
should not íorget to mention the (7 )______food, the IMPRESS
great (8 )______of drinks and beverages, and praise SELECT
the well written and (9 )______magazines provided. USE
Overall, I would like to thank you for a very (10)__ trip. PLEASE
I am always (0) d u b io u s whenever futurologists tell us how DOUBT
we will be living several years from now. Their (1 )______ PREDICT
of jet-pack travel and robot maids came to nothing. More
recently we were promised the (2 )______office, PAPER
(3 )______ television and the end of high-street shopping. INTERACT
In some cases, they are wrong because (4 )______progress SCIENCE
has been slower than anticipated. Airplanes, for example,
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