Page 172 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 172
Today many of us swear by the (1 )______ properties of HEAL
these herbs.
(2 )______ studies prove that such natural remedies are SCIENCE
entering the madnstream of medicine. A (3 )______ GROW
number of (4 )______ are now recommending alternative PHYSICS
treatments £dong with (5 )______therapies. Of course, for TRADITION
your own good health, never begin any (6 )______or vitamin HERB
therapy without the (7 )______ of a medical professional. DIRECT
To help you choose (8 )______ , we have selected some WISE
remedies that are backed up hy a (9 )__ amount of STAGGER
anecdotal evidence. So stock your shelves with these simple
cures and have a (1 0 )______liíestyle. HEALTH
Every time I think of that (0) te rrify in g experience of the TERRIEY
sinking cruise liner, the panic I felt then comes (1 )______ LIVE
again. The accident was tragic because of its (2 )______ , SUDDEN
causing the (3 )______ of many passengers who would DEAD
otherwise have been saved.
All that some of the (4 )______ could do, was to sit SURVIVE
(5 )______ in the lifeboats, waiting to be rescued. PATIENT
I became (6 )______ many times during the long wait. CONSCIOUS
I had to overcome any (7 )______ I felt so I would not WEAK
faint again. If I had not drawn another ship’s (8 )______ ATTEND
our situation would have been (9 )______ I try not to HOPE
remember this (10)___ experience that only leaves ERIGHT
me with unhappy thoughts.
The Theme Parks are in four different climates - but
the landscaping all has to look alike.
Contrary to popular (0) belief, W2dt Disney’s ílrst theme BELIEVE
park was not Disneyland. It was a garden in Bel Air,
California whose (1 )______ were Bill and Jack Evans. DESIGN
However, this was only a dress (2 )______. Four years later, REHEARSE
Disney asked them to landscape Disneyland for him. Jack
suíTered a heart attack two weeks after the (3 )______, so OPEN
Bill became Disney’s director of landscape (4 )______ ARCHITECT
Nowadays, the Disney parks entertain a billion (5 )______ VISIT
a year. There is (6 )______ a corner of a Disney park that SCARCE
does not have his (7 )__ ___touch. Although he officially PERSON
retired in 1975, he has continued to check on each new
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oiiốc gia môn Tiếng Anh 173