Page 207 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 207
C a n l u t i d a n g loan t h a n k c a n
Chon tttdung nhat trong ngoac de hoan thanh cac cau sau.
1. A lightning bolt lasts a fraction of a second, (so, but) it
has enough power— 30 million volts— to light up all of
2. (And, Because) the average thunderstorm is more pow
erful than an atomic bomb, injuries from these storms
are not uncommon.
3. All the following are coordinating conjunctions except
for, but, or (since, and).
4. All the following are subordinating conjunctions except
since, because, although (when, nor).
5. All the following are conjunctive adverbs except con
sequently, furthermore, therefore, (nevertheless, and).
6. (Coordination, Subordination) is connecting two un
equal but related clauses with a subordinating conjunc
tion to form a complex sentence.
7. (Subordination, Parallel structure) means putting ideas
of the same rank in the same grammatical structure.
8. The film industry changed from silent films to the “talk
ies” in the late 1920s, (when, after) the success in 1927
of The Jazz Singer.
9. Ari is very good about staying in shape: He likes to
ride his bicycle, to jog around the track, and (swim
ming, to go swimming).
10. The committee considered the letter, talked about its
major points, and (the unanimous decision was made
to ignore it, unanimously decided to ignore it).