Page 212 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 212
stance; there are still ample physical reminders of the
history of the Native Americans in Florida.
(b) Since there are still ample physical reminders of
the history of the Native Americans in Florida, impres
sive burial mounds, dating back hundreds of years, can
be found along many of the rivers, for instance.
(c) Although impressive burial mounds, dating back
hundreds of years, can be found along many of the riv
ers, for instance, there are still ample physical remind
ers of the history of the Native Americans in Florida.
(d) There are still ample physical reminders of the his
tory of the Native Americans in Florida; impressive
burial mounds, dating back hundreds of years, can be
found along many of the rivers, for instance.
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Ghep cac cau trong doan van sau day de tao nen v5n
phong logic va tao nha hdn.
1. Lightning often strike twice in the same place. It is more
likely to do so. Why is this so? Lightning is an electric
current. As with all electric currents or discharges, light
ning will follow the path of least resistance. It will take
the route that is easiest for it to travel on.
Air is a very poor conductor of electricity. Almost any
thing else that helps to bridge the gap between the
ground and a cloud will offer a more convenient path
and thus “attract” the lightning. This includes a high
tree, a building (especially one with a metal frame
work), a tall hill.
2. In 1866, John Styth Pemberton came up with a head
ache medicine he called “Coca-Cola.” He had taken
the wine out of the French Wine Coca. He added some
caffeine. The medicine tasted so terrible that at the last
minute he added some extract of kola nut. He added a