Page 210 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 210
(c) When Parker Brothers turned the game down, they
felt it was too complicated to play.
(d) Parker Brothers turned the game down because they
felt it was too complicated to play.
7. Which revision best combines ideas?
Large numbers of people began flooding into southern
Florida more than a century ago. The amount of water
that once flowed south through the Everglades has been
drastically reduced.
(a) Ever since large numbers of people began flooding
into southern Florida more than a century ago, the
amount of water that once flowed south through the
Everglades has been drastically reduced.
(b) Large numbers of people began flooding into south
ern Florida more than a century ago, but the amount of
water that once flowed south through the Everglades
has been drastically reduced.
(c) Large numbers of people began flooding into south
ern Florida more than a century ago, yet the amount of
water that once flowed south through the Everglades
has been drastically reduced.
(d) When the amount of water that once flowed south
through the Everglades has been drastically reduced,
large numbers of people began flooding into southern
Florida more than a century ago.
8. Which choice best connects the following sentence?
It took almost a year for three men to sign confessions
admitting the series had been fixed. The men were
Lefty Williams, Eddie Cicotte, and J. Jackson. The men
admitted they were in on the scam.
(a) It took almost a year for three men— Lefty Will
iams, Eddie Cicotte, and J. Jackson— to sign confes
sions admitting the series had been fixed and they were
in on it.
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