Page 213 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 213

few  other  oils.  He  sold  it  to  soda  fountains  in  used
                         bottles. A few weeks later, a man with  a terrible head­
                         ache hauled himself into a drugstore. The man asked
                         for a spoonful of Coca-Cola. The druggist was too lazy
                         to stir the headache remedy into a glass of water.  He
                         mixed the syrup in some seltzer water. The seltzer water
                         was  closer  to  where  he  was  standing.  The  customer
                         liked  the  carbonated  version  better  than  the
                         uncarbonated one. Other customers agreed. From then
                         on, Coca-Cola was served as a carbonated drink.
                      3.  Some time near the beginning of the seventh century,
                         a monk formed some leftover dough into a looped twist.
                         Some sources claim that the twists were meant to rep­
                         resent the folded arms of children at prayer, but even
                         by a considerable stretch of the imagination it is hard
                         to  match  a  pretzel’s  shape  with  the  usual  position  of
                         arms at prayer. The pretzels soon became popular and
                         were often given to children who were faithful in their
                        religious observations. As a result, the baked and salted
                        dough came to be called pretiola,  the Latin  for  “little
                        reward.” From pretiola to pretzel is only a small step.

                     f  )ap  du

           Cau  hoi dung — sai

           l.T         2. T           3. F           4. T            5. F
           6. F        7. T           8. F           9. T            10. F

           11.T        12. F          13. F           14. T          15. T

           Cau  hoi dang hoan thanh  cau

           1. but                             2. Because
           3. since                           4. nor
          5. and                              6. Subordinating

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