Page 211 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 211

(b) Lefty Williams, Eddie Cicotte, and J.  Jackson ad­
                          mitted they were in on the scam when it took almost a
                          year for them to sign confessions admitting the  series
                          had been fixed.
                          (c) Since it took almost a year for Lefty Williams, Eddie
                          Cicotte,  and  J.  Jackson  to  sign  confessions  admitting
                          the series had been fixed, they admitted they were in
                          on the scam.
                          (d)  It  took  almost  a  year  for  Lefty  Williams,  Eddie
                          Cicotte,  and  J.  Jackson  to  sign  confessions  admitting
                          the series had been fixed; however, the men admitted
                          they were in on the scam.
                       9.  Which revision best combines ideas?
                          The water declined. The freshwater bird population has
                          declined more than 90 percent since the early  1900s.
                          (a) The freshwater bird population has declined more
                          than  90  percent  since  the  early  1900s  and  the  water
                          (b)  The  water  declined  because  the  freshwater  bird
                          population has declined more than 90 percent since the
                          early  1900s.
                          (c) The water declined, but the freshwater bird popula­
                          tion has declined more than 90 percent since the early
                          (d) As a  result of the declining  water, the  freshwater
                         bird population has declined more than 90 percent since
                         the early  1900s.

                       10. Which revision best combines ideas?
                         There are still ample physical reminders of the history
                          of the Native Americans in Florida.  Impressive burial
                          mounds, dating back hundreds of years, can be found
                          along many of the rivers, for instance.
                          (a) Impressive burial mounds, dating back hundreds of
                          years, can  be  found  along  many  of the  rivers,  for  in­

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