Page 202 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 202
Lien ket: When the case was finally tried, the three men denied
having made any confessions. They also denied having been
involed in any way in the rigging scheme because there was no
proof against them.
Khi vu an cuoi cung dd duoc xtf, ba ngudi ddn ong ttf choi la dd khai
nhan. Ho cung khong nhan Id cd lien quan gi vdi ke hoach Itfa ddovi
khong cd bang chtfng ndo chdng lai ho.
When the case was finally tried, the three men denied having made
any confessions and having been involed in any way in the rigging
scheme because there was no proof against them.
Khi vu an cuoi cung dd duoc xtf, ba ngudi ddn ong ttf choi la dii
khai nhan vd khong co lien quan gi vdi ke hoach Itfa duo vi khong
cd bang chtfng ndo chdng lai ho.
Khong lien ket: A tornado is one of the smallest of all types of
storms. It is one of the most dangerous of all storms because of its
swiftly spinning winds and unpredictable path.
Loc xody la dang nhd nhat trong cac loai bao. Dd Id mot trong
nhtfng loai bdo nguy hiem nhat do nhtfng dot gid xody vd dudng di
kho doan cua nd.
Lien ket: Even though a tornado is one of the smallest of all types
of storms, it is one of the most dangerous of all storms because of
its swiftly spinning winds and unpredictable path.
Mac du loc xody la dang nhd nhat trong cac loai bdo, no la mot
trong nhtfng loai bdo nguy hiem nhat do nhtfng dot gid xody va
dudng di kho doan cua nd.
Hay can than dtfng lan Ion menh de chinh va menh de phu khi ghep
cau theo kieu chinh phu. Neu ban dat y chinh trong menh de phu thupc,
cau cua ban se khong hop logic.
Khong logic: Because people stared at her, Rikki wore a see-
through blouse.
V? ngudi ta nhin cham chain vdo minh, Rikki mac mot chiec do mdng
Quan he nhan qua bi dao ngtfOc nen cau chang co nghla gi ca.