Page 201 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 201

Trdi do tuyet cd dem.  Trudng hoc bi dong cuta vdo ngay horn sau.
                 Li6n ket: Because it snowed all night, school was closed the fol­
                 lowing day.
                 Vi trdi do tuyet cd dem,  trudng hyc bi dong cuta vdo ngay horn sau.
                 Since it snowed all night, school was closed the following day.
                 V7 trdi do tuyet cd dem,  trudng hoc bi dong cuta vdo ngay horn sau.

                 Khong lien ket: About two million dollars had been bet on  the
                 Cincinnati Reds to win. The White Sox were favored five to one.
                 Ngudi ta dd cuac khodng hai trieu do la la d()i Cincinnati se thang.
                 D(>i White Sox duoc cd ndm an mot.
                 Lien ket: Even though the White Sox were favored five to one,
                 about two million dollars had been bet on the Cincinnati Reds to
                 Ngay cd khi doi White Sox dUifc cd ndm an mot, ngudi ta cuac khodng
                 hai tri£u do la la doi Cincinnati se thang.
                 Although the White Sox were favored five to one, about two mil­
                 lion dollars had been bet on the Cincinnati Reds to win.
                 Mac du  doi  White Sox duoc cd ndm an m()t,  ngUdi ta cUdc khodng
                 hai tri^u dd la Id doi Cincinnati se thang.
                 Khong lien ket: A tornado can pick up a house and drop it hun­
                 dreds of feet away. These are extremely dangerous storms.
                 Mot ccm  loc xody co  the  hat cd  can  nhd  vd  nem   no  xudng  cach  xa
                hung tram feet.  Day la  nhffng can  bao  cUc ky nguy hiem.
                 Li§n ket:  Since a  tornado can pick up a  house  and drop it hun­
                dreds of feet away, these are extremely dangerous storms.

                 V? m ot can loc xody co the h at cd can nhd  vd nem  nd xudng cach xa
                hang  tram  feet,  day  la  nhffng ccfn  bao  cUc ky nguy  hiem.
                Khong lien ket: The case was finally tried. The three men denied
                having made any confessions. They denied having been involed
                in any way in the rigging scheme. There was no proof against them.
                 Vu an  cuoi cung dd duoc xff.  Ba ngudi dan ong tff choi Id dd khai
                nhan. Ho khdng nhan la cd lien quan gl vdi ke hoach Iffa ddo. Khong
                cd bang chffng nao chdng lai ho.

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