Page 178 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 178
Hai cfiu dinh liln: Our eyes are always the same size from birtk
our nose and ears never stop growing.
Mat cua chung ta luon cd cung kich cd til luc sinh ra mui vd mdi
khong bao gid ngCtng phat trien.
Sufa lai: Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but oar
nose and ears never stop growing.
Mat cua chung ta luon cd cung kich cd tit luc sinh ra, nhtfng mui vd
mat khong bao gid ngitng phat trien.
Hai cSu dfnh liln: A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, no one knows
Stfa lai: A duck’s quack doesn’t echo; no one knows why.
Tieng cap cap cua v/f khong vang, chdng ai biet tqi sao lyi nhtf thi.
A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and no one knows why.
Tieng cap cap cua vft khong vang; chdng ai bi&t tai sao lyi nhutht.
Hai cdu dfnh liin: The traditional sonnet has 14 lines, 10 syllables
make up each line.
Bdi tho trtf tinh truyen thong cd 14 dong, 10 am tuft tao thdnh mQt
SuTa lai: The traditional sonnet has 14 lines; 10 syllables make up
each line.
Bdi tha trtf tinh truyen thong cd 14 dong; 10 dm tiet UfO thdnh mQt
Hoac la
The traditional sonnet has 14 lines, and 10 syllables make up each
Bdi tha trtf tinh truyen thong cd 14 dong, vd 10dm tiet tgo thdnh mQt