Page 174 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 174

Ban cung c6 the them mpt trang tif lien ket <conjunctive adverb)
                       vao cau true nay. Nhffng tif sau day li trang tff hen ket:
                     accordingly      afterall          again          also
                     besides          consequently      finally        for example
                     for instance     furthermore       however        indeed
                     moreover         nevertheless      nonetheless    notwithstanding
                     on the           other hand        otherwise      regardless still
                     then             therefore         though         thus
                        Cau true cau luc nay se la nhff sau:
                        menh de doc lap; trang tff lien ket, menh de doc lap.
                     Grasshoppers eat clean       however,      lobsters eat foul
                     plants;                                    materials.
                     Chdu chau an thuc vat        tuy nhien     tom hum an toan
                     such se;                                   mon ban.
                        menh de doc lap       trang tu lien ket   m?nh de d()c lap

                     Nico worked hard;            therefore     she got a merit raise.

                     Nico lam viec rat cham chi;   vi vay       co ay duoc tang luefng.
                        menh de doc lap       trang tti lien ket  menh de doc lap

                                  DiKng ghep hai phan cua cau ghep bang dSiu phSy
                               vi ban se bien no thanh hai cau dinh li£n gpi la comma
                               splice. Chung ta se ban ve 16i nay trong p h in  sau cua

                        Cau phtfc (complex sentence)
                        Cau phtfc chtfa mot menh de doc lap va it nhat la mot menh de phi
                        thuoc. Menh de doc lap dffdc goi la menh de chinh (main clause).
                        Cau  phtfc  dung  lien  tff phu  thuoc de  lien  ket cac  y  lai  vdi  nhau
                       Lien tff phu thuoc bao gom nhffng tff nhiT: because, as, as if, unless

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