Page 181 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 181
Loi cau chtfa hoin chinh thtfdng xiy ra do ba nguyen nhan sau:
1. Khi menh de phu thu0c trong c6 ve nhtf mot cau hoan chinh.
Because more and more teenagers are staying up far too late.
Vi ngay cang nhieu thieu nien thtfc rat khuya.
Since they do not compensate for the sleep they miss.
Vi chung khong ngu bu cho nhtfng btfa thieu ngu.
2. Cau chtfa hoin chinh cung xay ra khi mot cum ttf bi tich khoi cau
mi n6 bd nghla.
Used to remove a wide variety of stains on carpets and upholstery.
Duoc dung de loai bo nhieu loai vet ban tren tham va nem ghe.
Trying to prevent the new cotton shirt from shrinking in the dryer.
Congdn khong cho cai do cotton mdi bi co rut trong may say kho.
3. Ban cung c6 the viet cau chtfa hoin chinh neu ban dung sai dang
d0ng ttf.
The frog gone to the pond by the reservoir.
Con ech dd ra ao gan be chtfa ntfdc.
Saffron being a very costly and pungent spice.
Nghe tay Id loai gia v/ dat tien vd co mui hang.
Dtfng de cliff viet hoa d dau nhom ttf danh lffa ban.
Bat dau mot nliom ttf bang mot chff viet hoa khong the
bi£n nhom tff do thanh cau. Do chi la mot cau chtfa
hoan chinh bat dau bang mot chff viet hoa ma tlioi.
Ban c6 the stfa loi cau chtfa hoan chinh bang ba cach sau:
1. Them phan bi thieu vio cau.
Chtfa hoan chinh: Because more and more teenagers are staying
up far too late.
V? ngay cang nhieu thieu nien thtfc rat khuya.