Page 182 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 182
Hoan chinh: Because more and more teenagers are slaying up fa
too late, they are sleep deprived.
Vi ngay cang nhieu thieu nien thtfc rat khuya, chung bi thieu ngu.
Chtfa hoan chinh: Since they do not compensate for the sleep
they miss.
Hoan chinh: Since they do not compensate for the sleep they miss,
teenagers often get cranky in the afternoon.
Vi chung khong ngu bu cho nhtfng btfa thieu ngu, thieu nien thudng
cdu klnh vao buoi chieu.
Chtfa hoan chinh: Used to remove a wide variety of stains on
carpets and upholstery.
Hoan chinh: This product is used to remove a wide variety of
stains on carpets and upholstery.
San phdm nay dtfdc dung de loai bd nhieu loai vet ban tren tham vd
nem ghe.
Chtfa hoan chinh: Trying to prevent the new cotton shirt from
shrinking in the dryer.
Hoan chinh: Jean was trying to prevent the new cotton shirt from
shrinking in the dryer.
Jean dang cdngdn khong cho cai do cotton mdi bi co rut trong mdy
say kho.
2. Sura dong ttf bi dung sai
Chtfa hoan chinh: The frog gone to the pond by the reservoir.
Hoan chinh: The frog went to the pond by the reservoir.
Con ech dd ra ao gan be chtfa ntfdc.
Chtfa hoan chinh: Saffron being a very costly and pungent spice.
Hoan chinh: Saffron is a very costly and pungent spice.
Nghe tay la loai gia vj ddt tien vd cd mui hang.
3. Loai bo lien ttf phu thuoc ho3c noi n6 vdi mot cau kh£c.
Chtfa hoan chinh: Because more and more teenagers are staying
up far too late.
Vi ngay cang nhieu thieu nien thtfc rat khuya.