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increase  the  risks  of cancer  and  a  range  (4)    debilitating  diseases,  a
         discovery that  has  sent  the  medical  world  into  a  spin.  Scientists  are  unsure
         (5)______to why vitamins, so essential to health, can be toxic in high doses. The
         most likely explauiation is that the body is only equipped to deal with the levels
         found naturally in the environment. If the intake is too far (6)______the normal
         rainge,  then the body’s interned chemistry can be shunted out of ahgnment.  (7)
         ______  this  means  is  that  the  commercially  sold  vitamins  and  (8)  ______
         provided  by  nature  are  not  always  compatible.  The  commercial  forms  may
         interfere with the body’s internal chemistry (9 )______“crowding out”  the  (10)
         ______natural 2Lnd benehcial forms of the nutrients. The vitamins obtained (11)
         ______  food  are  also  allied  (12)  ______  a  host  of other  substances  which  may
         moderate  (13)______augment their activity in the body.  The latest advice  (14)
         ______to eat a balanced diet to ensure you get all the nutrients you need, and if
         you must take supplements make (15)______you take the lowest recommended
         dose and follow the instructions on the bottle.

         33.                       WHAT’S OUT THERE?
            In  1969,  Neil  Armstrong  was  the  íĩrst  man  to  land  on  the  moon.  If
         earthlings  can  take  part  in  intergalactic  travel,  then  why  can’t  life  forms
         from  other  planets  do  the  same?  Is  Earth  the  only  inhabited  planet  in  the
         universe?  How  can  we  be  so  sure  of  (1)  ______  the  existence  or  the  non-
         existence of extraterrestrial life?
            On 24th June,  1947,  Kenneth Arnold reported  seeing nine silvery objects
         moving rapidly through the  sky near Mount  Rainer,  Washington.  Obviously
         he had no proof (2 )______than his testimony, but this sparked (3 )_______an
         epidemic of apparent spottings of “unidentihed ílying objects”. In June and July
         of the same year, a (4)______of 850 sightings of spaceships were reported.
            Ufology  had  (5)  ______   root  and  was  spreading  prolihcally.  The  latest
         Gallup poll  conveyed  that  twenty percent  of the  British and sixty percent of
         the American populations believed in the existence of UFOs. In  (6 )______ , a
         French group claimed that we only hear  (7 )______one in every 38,400 alien
         visits  to  Earth.  Clearly,  these  figures  do  not  prove  the  existence  of life  (8)
         ______  in  the  cosmos,  but  they  do  prove  that  belief  in  humanoids  is
         international and vvidespread.
            In alleged encounters with alien life, one (9 )______  of  five  leaves  some
         trace behind,  such  as burnt ground,  lootprints,  powdery residues or metallic
         ữagments.  One  group  of  ulologists  studied  thousands  of  cases  and  (10)
         ______  to  the  conclusion  that  there  were  four  main  (11)  ______   of
         extraterrestrial   existence;   small   humanoids,   experimental     animals,
         humanlike  entities  and  robots.  However,  Hilary  Evans  of the  British  UFO
         Research Association admits  (1 2 )______the inadequacies of all hndings and
         testimonies.  Some  UEO  witnesses  lie,  either  deliberately  or  unconsciously.
         So,  with  little  (13)  ______   than  the  word  of  an  apparent  eye  witness  to
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