Page 151 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 151

telephone has helped to bring people closer in a diííĩcult world and has made
        life, for many, much easier and much more enjoyable.

        26.                         QUEEN VICTORIA

           Victoria  ílrst  learned  of  her  future  role  as  a  princess  during  a  history
        lesson  when  she  was  10  years  old.  (1)  ______ four  decades  later,  Victoria’s
        governess  recalled that the future  queen reacted  to  the  discovery  (2)

        1 1
                   •C I T

                                                  H A  •

        declaring,  “I  will  be  good”.  This  combination  of  earnestness  and  egotism            !  _ _ _
        m£irked Victoria (3 )______ a child of the age that bears her name.  (4 )_______
        was  an  era  of  industrialisation  and  colonial  expansion  (5)    had  not
        happened before.  By the  end  of her reign,  about a third  of the known world
        was  (6)  ______   her  rule.  (7)  ______   ,  the  queen  herself  was  resistant  to
        technological  change  (8)  ______  while  mechanical  and  technological
        innovation  was  reshaping  the  face  of  European  civilization.  (9)  ______
        signiíĩcantly,  Victoria was  a queen  determined  to  retain  political  power;  yet
        she  presided  (1 0 )______ the  transformation  of the  sovereign’s  political  role
        into  a  ceremonial  (11)  ______  and  thus  helped  to  preserve  the  English
        monarchy.  When Victoria became  queen,  the  political  role  of the  crown was
        by (12)______ means clear or defined;  nor (13)_______the permanence of the
        throne  (14)  ____  .  When  she  died,  the  change  in  the  monarch’s  roles  was
        one of socÌ2d (15)  ____ than of political focus.
        27.                     ENTERTAINING PEOPLE
           When the human capacity for amazement,  thrill,  2ind suspense approaches
        (1)  ______  limits,  a  circus  unleashes  its  clowns  (2)  ______  freshen  the
        atmosphere  and recondition  the  spectator’s mind for  the  next  act.  (3 )______
        tradition,  there  are  several  varieties  of  clowns,  (4)  ______  the  elegantly-
        costumed  white-faced  clown  who  appears  rather  severe  and  domineering,  to
        the  happy-go-lucky  grotesque  variety,  (5)  ______  exaggerated  make-up  and
        costumes are more outrỄigeous and less predictable, to the dejected, down-£ind-
        out  “tramp”  character,  popularised  (6)  ______  all  by  the  American,  Emmett
        Kelly.  In  19th century circuses it was usual for clowns to entertain audiences
        with  songs  and  long monologues,  in  (7 )______they  sometimes  oíTered words
        of wisdom  (8 )______politics and current events or quoted Shakespeare. More
        recently,  especially  in  Russian  circuses,  a  (9)  ______  number  of clowns  have
        attempted  to  strike  (10)  ______  in  new  directions,  abandoning  traditional
        costumes  and  make-up  and  developing  (11)  ______  natural  characters.  The
        great  Russian  clown,  Oleg  Popov,  (12)  ______  appear  in  the  ring  wearing  a
        minimum  (1 3 )______make-up  and  only a  slightly unconventional  wardrobe.
        He  impersonated  an  incompetent  buíĩoon  (14)  ______  was  torever  trying  to
        mimic  the  acts  of the  legitimate  performers  írequently,  he  almost  succeeded
        (15)______only after suíĩlcient bungling to make his performance a comedy.

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