Page 153 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 153

30.                  STARTING A CONVERSATION
        It is often seiid that the British talk about the weather more than any (1)
     ______people  in  the  world;  some  extremists  claim  that  they  talk  about  (2)
     ______  else.  But  in  fact,  (3)  ______   in  countries  with  far  less  changeable
     climates  than  Britain’s,  the  weather  is  an  endless,  (4)  ______   not  VEiried,
     source  of  conversational  íodder.  This  seems  (5)  ______   natural  when  you
     consider that the weather is one of the few things we all have in  (6 )______ .
     It aíĩects  our  senses,  and  (7 )______ our moods,  so  directly and,  at  times,  so
     intensely that it is natural we  (8)       talk about it. Aíter several days  (9)
             sometimes weeks of dark, gloomy weather, a bright day tends to bring
     (10)   ____   the  best  in  everyone;  people  recognise  the  relief  in  others’
     expressions which they feel in themselves, and fĩnd (11)___      hard to resist
     commenting on  a  change  (12)  ______ is  having  such  an  evident  (1 3 )_______
     on  everyone.  “Nice  day,  isn’t  it?”  is  much  more  than  simply  a  comment  on
     the State of the weather; it is a comm ent on the hum an State (1 4 )______ , an
     acknowledgement  that  the  tenability  of our  place  in  the  universe  relies  on
     the existence of a community (15)______ human feeling.

     31.                              CHEKHOV
        Anton  Chekhov was  a Russian playvvright  and  short  story writer born in
     Taganrog  in  1860.  In  1879,  he  became  a  medical  student  in  Moscow,  later
     qualiíying  (1 )______ a  doctor.  With  a  needy family to  support,  Chekhov  (2)
     ______to writing,  contributing short humorous stories and sketches  (3 )______
     popular newspapers.  His major work (4)         to come towards the end of his
     short life ~ Chekhov died of tuberculosis in 1904 “ his reputation resting chieAy
     (5)  ______foiir  plays,  The  Seagull,  Uncle  Vanya,  The  Three  Sisters  and  The
     Cherry  Orchard,  written  in  1896,  1899,  1901  and  1904  (6)  ______  .  All  four
     works, while gloomy and pessimistic (7)        tone, blend a poetic atmosphere
     (8) _      a  Sỉonpathetic  treatment  of characters  (9)  ______  ,  unable  to  break
      (10)  ___   of the  vicious  circle  that  they  find  (11)  ______  in,  are  trapped  in
     unhilhlling lives which they feel (12)      powerless and dispirited to chEinge.
      They (13)_____ be regarded as S5rmbolic (14)      _  the torpor and stagnation
      of late  nineteenth  centuĩy  Czarist  Russia.  (15)  ___ ___ realism  is  a  product  of
      Chekhov’s scientiííc training and experience as a provincÌEd doctor. They remain
      masterpieces of Russian literature.

      32.                       BEWARE OF VITAMINS!

         Vitamins are good for our health, aren’t they? Perhaps not. New research
      suggests  that  rather  than  ward  OÍT  disease,  high  doses  of  certain  vitamins
      may  (1)  ______   more  harm  than  good  and  could  even  put  you  in  an  early
      grave.  A  variety  of  recent  studies  suggest  that  (2)  ______   from  improving
      health,  these  vitamins,  (3)       taken  in  very  high  doses,  may  actuídly
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