Page 41 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 41
12. The thunderstorm frightened my cat and (I, me).
13. Please sit next to Rita and (me, I).
14. Brenda gave (he, him) a lot of unsolicited advice.
15. With (who, whom) have you agreed to carpool?
C o n ItiU tide
Chon cau viet lai dung nhat vdi ttifng cau mau.
1. When Harry and Chuck return home, he will call.
(a) When Harry and Chuck return home, they will
(b) When Harry and Chuck return home, Harry will
(c) When Harry and Chuck return home, him will call.
(d) When Harry and Chuck return home, calling will
take place.
2. When Marcia spoke to Margery that morning, she
did not realize that she would win the international
bodybuilding contest.
(a) When Marcia spoke to Margery that morning, her
did not realize that she would win the international
bodybuilding contest.
(b) When Marcia spoke to Margery that morning, they
did not realize that she would win the international
bodybuilding contest.
(c) When Marcia spoke to Margery that morning,
Marcia did not realize that she would win the inter
national bodybuilding contest.
(d) When Marcia spoke to Margery that morning, no
one realized that she wcvM win the international
bodybuilding contest.
3. When the rain started, we pulled out an umbrella. It
annoyed the people around us, but we decided to stay
at the ball field.