Page 40 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 40
8. Dong danh tiif luon tan cilng b&ng -ed vik luon c6 chiit
nang lam dong tif.
9. Dai tir dong vi vdi danh tir thi d cilng cach vdi danh tir
10. Dai tir dffdc diing lam chu tir cua mot dpng tir nguyet
mau thi d chu ngff cich.
11. Dai tff chi quan hp sd thuoc luon luon cd dau ltftjc.
12. Dung dai tff phan than de thay the cho chu ngtfvi
tan ngff.
13. Dai tff phai lien he r5 rang tdi mot tien ngff xic dint
duy nhat.
14. Phai dat dai tff gan vdi tien ngff cua no.
15. Who dung de chi ngtfdi hoSc con vat, trong khi that vi
which chi do vat, nhom va loai vat khong dtfdc d&t ten
Cfiu dang luuUt iJutick cau.
Chon tff thich hdp de hoan thanh cau.
1. Trish and (I, me) have decided to move to Brazil.
2. The new employees are (they, them).
3. The problem is unquestionably (she, her).
4. Human beings, (who, whom) are the most fascinat
ing species on earth, are also the most admirable.
5. Those (whom, who) are early to bed and early to risi
are healthy, wealthy, and very tired.
6. The best dressed employee has always been (him, he)
7. The winning contestants are the Griffels and (they
8. The concept (which, that) intrigued (we, us) had no
yet been publicized.
9. My car, (who, which) was brand new, had relativel}
little damage.
10. The car (which, that) hit me was speeding.
11. From (who, whom) did you buy that beautiful purse'