Page 225 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 225
• Dilng dau phay de t£ch nhffng tff trong phan dong vi ngff (“apposi
tion nhffng tff cung cap them thong tin ve tff hoic cum tff dffng
trffdc hoiic sau no.)
A good eater, my baby will be off the bottle soon.
La mot dtia an gidi, con cua tdi se sdm cai svta.
My baby, a good eater, will be off the bottle soon.
Con toi, mQt dtia an gidi, se sdm cai situ.
• Dilng dau phay de tich mot menh de khong trong yeu (“a nones
sential clause”: menh de co the dffdc lffdc bo ma khong lam thay
doi nghla can ban cua cau.)
Elizabeth II, who was born in 1926 in London, is the queen of
Elizabeth De Nhf, ngtfdi dtfOc sinh ra vdo ndm 1926 d Ludn Ddn, la
nithodng cua ntfdcAnh.
Prince Charles, Elizabeth’s first child, was born in 1948.
Thdi tilt Charles, con dau long cua Elizabeth, sinh ndm 1948.
• Dilng dau phay tach tffng khoan trong mot chuoi liet ke. Khong bit
buoc phai dilng dau phay trffdc and trong chuoi liet ke do.
The store had a sale on hot dogs, watermelon, and paper plates.
Ctia hang cd ban hotdog, dtfa hau vd dia giay.
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Dung bao gid dung dau phS’y d£ tach mot menh de
bat bu6c (essential clause) vi do la menh de khong
the ltfdc bo dupe.
Some states retest drivers who are over age 65 to check their
ability to drive safely.
Mot so bang kiem tra lai cac tai xe tren 65 tuoi de kiem tra
khd nang Idi xe an todn cua ho.