Page 221 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 221

Khi ban tich hdp nhffng tir trich din v&o van ban, co the ban phai
                  thay  doi  mpt  v&i  tir de  phii  hdp  vdi cau  true  trong  cau cua  ban.
                  Hay cho tat ca nhffng tir them vao vao trong dau ngoSc vuong.
                  Trich dan nguyen vSn:  “This pedagogical approach reduces all
                  our work to the literary equivalent of vitamins.” (Ogburn 305)
                  “Phuong phap sU pham nay ha thap tat cd tdc pham cua chung ta
                  ngang vdi nhffng lieu vitamin theo nghia den. ” (Ogburn 305)
                  Trich diln vdi dSu ngoac vuong: The primary reason the people
                  involved in creating children’s books detest this attitude so much
                  that  “[it]  reduces  all our work to  the  literary equivalent of vita­
                  mins.” (Ogburn 305)
                  Ly do chii yeu md  nhffng ngudi lien quan den sU nghiep sang  tao
                  sdeh cho tre em lai cam ghet thdi do nay den the Id vi “[no] ha thap
                  tat cd  tdc pham  cua  chung  ta  ngang  vdi nhffng  lieu  vitamin  theo
                  nghia den. ” (Ogburn 305)

            Dciu hai chctm (colon)

               1.  Dung dau  hai cham  sau mot menh de doc lap de gidi  thieu mot
                  danh sach.  Hay nhd menh de doc lap la mot cau hoan chinh.
                  Day la dau hai cham (:)
                  If you want to lose weight, you must give up the following sweets:
                  cake, pie, candy and cookies.
                  Neu ban muon giam can,  ban phai bo nhffng mon ngot sau:  banh
                  ngot,  banh nUdng,  keo vd banh quy.
               2.  Dung dau  hai cham  sau mot menh de  doc lap de  gidi  thieu mot
                  phan trich dan.
                  Robert Lawson speaks impatiently of the good intentions that di­
                  rect the current trends of children’s books: “Some of this scattered
                  band may be educators or psychologists or critics, but they are all
                  animated by a ruthless determination to do children good through
                  their books; it is these people who start the theories and fads that
                  are the bane of authors and illustrators and editors and a pain in
                  the neck to children. ” (Fenner, 47)

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