Page 219 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 219
men men’s shoes
people people’s feelings
• Vdi danh tir so"nhieu tan cung bang s thi chi them mot dau li/dc sau
chiT .v.
several computers several computers’ hard drives
three teachers three teachers’ lesson plans
Neu ban gap kho khan khi xac dinh nen dat dau liTtfc cho nao va co
nen them chu's hay khong, hay thifc hien hai btfdc sau:
• Be biet co lien quan den quan he sd thuoc khong thi hay hdi: “No
thuoc ve ai?” (To whom does it belong?)
• Neu cau tra Idi la mot danh tif hoac dai tir sd it thi hay lam theo
quy t3c dd. Neu dd la danh tir sd nhieu thi hay lam theo quy tac
Vi du ban co cum tir "my friends party. ”
Hdi: To whom does the party belong?
Buoi tiec thuoc ve ai?
Tra Idi: It belongs to my friend.
Thuoc ve ban cua toi.
Friend la so" it. Vi vay, cum nay phai viet la: “My friend’s party. ”
(Ti$c cua ban toi.)
2. Dung dau lirdc de the hien dang so"nhieu
• Dung dau liTdc va chtf.f de the hien dang sd nhieu cua sd, ky hieu,
chi? cai hoac tir diTdc dung de chi chinh nd.
three 7’s
two ?’s
your w’s look like tc’s
There are too many distracting like's and urn’s in her speech.
Co qua nhieu ti( like va urn gay mat tap trung trong bai ndi cua co
3. Dung dau luUc de cho biet cho co tir hoac so" diTdc liTdc bd.
• Dimg da"u liTdc de cho biet cho cd tir diTdc liTdc bd vi viet rut gon.
Hay nhd la viet rut gon (contraction) la hai tir diTdc ghep lai vdi