Page 119 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 119

nghla sai vi tri, ban hay chuyen tir bd nghla len gan tir hoSc cum tir
                  nd mieu ta, cang gan cang tot.
               9.  Dilng th&nh ngff khong chinh \ic
                  Sai: It’s raining cats and puppies.
                  Dung: It’s raning cats and dogs.
                  Trdi dang mUa xoi xd.
                  Cum tff “It’s raining cats and dogs"  la  mot thanh ngff (idiom) c6
                  nghla  bong chff khong the  hieu theo nghla den.  Cac cum tff nhff
                  “make a big deal out o f it”,  “on the double’’  va  “down and out”  la
                  thanh ngff. Neu ban quyet dinh dung thanh ngff trong khi viet thi
                  hay ch^c cMn 1& ban dung cum tff chinh x£c. Vi du, ngffdi ta thffdng
                  n6i “She talked down to him. ” Con noi “She talked under to him ” thi
                  lai khong chinh x&c.
                  Nhffng gidi tff c6 tinh chat thanh ngff (idiomatic prepositions) rat
                  thong dung nhffng cung rat kho dilng. Bang dtfdi day liet ke nhffng
                  gidi tff hffu ich nhat:
               Sai                                 dung
               according with the plan             according to the plan
               accuse with perjury                 accuse 0/perjury
               apologize about                     apologize for
               board of                            bored with
               capable to                          capable of
               comply to the rules                 comply with the rules
               concerned to                        concerned about, over, with

               conform in standards                conform to, with standards
               in search for                       in search of
               in accordance to policy             in accordance with policy
               independent from                    independent of
               inferior than ours                  inferior to ours
               interested about                    interested in, by

               jealous for others                  jealous of others

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