Page 108 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 108
(c) Controls, control
(d) Controls, controls
8. I’ve learned that our background and circumstances
may have influenced who we________ , but we are re
sponsible for who w e ________ .
(a) Is, become
(b) Is, becomes
(c) Are, becomes
(d) Are, become
9. I’ve learned that credentials on the wall do not_______
you a decent human being.
(a) Made
(b) Makes
(c) Make
(d) Making
10. Up to 3,000 species of trees________ been cataloged
in one square mile of the Amazon jungle.
(a) Is
(b) Was
(c) Has
(d) Have
Bfli lap Kcniq tM-
1. Sffa tat ca nhffng loi sai ve sff hoa hdp trong doan sau
Two people left a 15-mile-long trail of doughnuts after
they tooks a donut truck from a parking lot and fie ’
police said Thursday. The truck were parked at a /V°n’
venience store with its rear doors open and its <enSine
running while a deliveryman carried doughnu'tS ^ns^ e’
said a Slidell police spokesman. Two suspe<-'ls h°PP®d
in the truck and sped off to the nearby town Lacombe,