Page 107 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 107

nant  species on  the planet.  That may  be.  But I  think
                      there’s one other thing that________ us from animals.
                      We aren’t afraid of vacuum cleaners. — Jeff Stilson
                      (a) Make, separate
                      (b) Make, separates
                      (c) Makes, separate
                      (d) Makes, separates
                   4.  According  to  the  national  average:  Once  someone
                               an elevator button, 58 seconds will pass be­
                      fore they w ill________ it again. In New York, it’s  11

                      (a) Push, push
                      (b) Push, pushes
                      (c) Pushes, push
                      (d) Pushes, pushes
                   5.  If  police  arrest  a  mime,  do  th e y ________ him  he
                      ________ the right to remain silent?
                      (a) Tell, have
                      (b) Tell, has
                      (c) Tells, has
                      (d) Tells, have
                   6.  I’ve learned that it________ years to build up trust and
                      only seconds to destroy________ .
                      (a) Takes, them
                      (b) Takes, it
                      (c) Take, them

                      (d) Take, it
                   7.  I’ve learned that either you________ your attitude or
                      it ________ you.
                      (a) Control, controls
                      (b) Control, control

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