Page 106 - Hướng Dẫn Viết Đúng Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh
P. 106
19. Donald Duck comics (was, were) banned from Fin
land because he doesn’t wear pants.
20. Kemo Sabe (mean, means) “soggy shrub” in Navajo.
21. All porcupines (floats, float) in water.
22. The only nation whose name (begins, begin) with an A
but doesn’t end in an A is Afghanistan.
23. Emus cannot (walks, walk) backwards.
24. Most Americans’ car horns (beep, beeps) in the key of
“F. ”
25. No word in the English language (rhymes, rhyme) with
Cau luii b i i t
Chon cau tra Idi dung nhat cho moi cau hoi.
1. The American slogan for Salem cigarettes, “Salem-
Feeling Free,” ________ translated into the Japanese
market as “When smoking Salem, you will feel so re
freshed that your mind________ to be free and empty. ”
(a) Was, seems
(b) Was, seem
(c) Were, seem
(d) Were, seems
2. Frank Perdue’s chicken slogan, “It takes a strong man
to make a tender chicken,” ________ translated into
Spanish as “I t ________ an aroused man to make a
chicken affectionate.”
(a) Were, takes
(b) Were, take
(c) Was, takes
(d) Was, take
3. I had a linguistics professor who said that it’s man’s
ability to use language th a t________ him the domi-