Page 97 - Tự Học Xửa Chữa Và Nâng Cấp Máy Vi Tính
P. 97
L anguages - Disable Language changes
L inks - Disable Links changes
M essaging - Disable Messaging changes
P ro ílles - Disable changes to Profiles
Proxy - Disable changes to Proxy settings
R atin gs - Disable Ratings changes
W allet - Disable changes to Wallet settings
U ser Key: HKEY_CƯRRENT_USER\ Software\
PoliciesX Microsoft\ Internet ExplorerX Control Panel
S ystem Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\
PoliciesX Microsoltx Internet ExplorerXControl Panel
V alue: (0 = disable restriction, 1 = enable restriction)
D ấu m ót s ố tính năng trong Internet O ptions
tro n g C ontrol P an el
A ccessibility - disables all options under Accessibilitv
G eneralT ab - removes General tab
S ecu rity T ab - removes Security tab
C o n ten tT ab - removes Content tab
C onnectio nsT ab - removes Connections tab
P ro g ram sT ab - removes Programs tab
P riv acyT ab - removes Privacy tab
A dvancedT ab - removes Advanced tab
C e rtiíP e rs - prevents changing Personal Certiíicate
C ertifô ite - prevents changing Site Certilicate options