Page 96 - Tự Học Xửa Chữa Và Nâng Cấp Máy Vi Tính
P. 96
NoBrovvserBars - Disable changes to browsers bars.
A lw aysProm ptW henD ow nload - Alwavs prompt
User when dovvnloading files.
U ser Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\
PoliciesX Microsoft\ Internet ExplorerX Restrictions
System Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\
PoliciesX MicrosoítX Internet ExplorerX Restrictions
V alue: (0 = disable restriction, 1 = enable restriction)
Dấu môt sô tính năng trong Internet Options
tro n g C ontrol P anel
A dvanced - Prevent changes to advanced settings
A utoconfig - Prevent changes to Automatic
C ache - Prevent changes to temporary file settings
C alen d arC o n tact - Prevent changes to calender and
C ertifícates - Prevent changes to security certilicates
C heck_If_D efault - Prevent changes to deíault
brovvser check
Colors - Prevent Color changes
C onnection S etting s - Prevent changes to connection
C onnection W izard - Disable the Connection Wizard
F onts - Disable font changes
H istory - Disable changes to History settings
H om ePage - Disable changes to Home Page settings