Page 95 - Tự Học Xửa Chữa Và Nâng Cấp Máy Vi Tính
P. 95

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        N oBrovvserClose  -  Disable  the  option  of  closing
    Internet Explorer.
        N oB row serC ontextM enu  -  Disable  right-click  context
        N oB rovvserO ptions  -  Disable  the  Tools  /  Internet
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        N oBrovvserSaveA s - Disable the ability to Save As.
        N oE avorites - Disable the Eavorites.

        N oFileN ew  - Disable the File / New command.
        N oF ileO pen - Disable the File / Open command.
        N oF ind F iles - Disable the Find Files command.
        N oS electD ow nloadD ir  -  Disable  the  option  of
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        N oT heaterM ode - Disable the Full Screen view option.
        N oA ddressB ar - Disable the address bar.
        N oT oolB ar - Disable the tool bar.

        N oT oolbarO ptions  -  Disable  the  ability  to  change
    toolbar selection.
        N oL inksB ar - Disable the links bar.
        N oV iew Source  -  Disable  the  ability  to view  the  page
    source HTML.
        N oN avB uttons  -  Disables  the  Forward  and  Back
    navigation buttons
        N o P rin tin g   -  Remove  Print  and  Print  Preview  from
    the File menu.

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