Page 51 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 51
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)-am looking for a job with better working conditions.
I found a job with better working conditions.
Tasks - Các nhiệm vụ
Read the Story and then complete the form.
Đọc câu chuyện và sau đó hoàn thành m ẫu
1. Penny Harris is work
ing as a welder now, REASON FOR LEAVING
but she is looking for
anotherjob. On herjob
now there is no vaca
tion and there is no
health plan.
2. Tom Garcia has a new
job. He makes good REASON FOR LEAVING
money now. He quit
his last job because the
pay was low.
3. Bob Porter w ants to
quit his job. He wants
a promotion, but his
co m p a n y is sm a ll.
There is no opportunity
for training.
4. Jean Wong is a bar
tender now. The pay is
high, but the hours are
long and the job is bor-