Page 104 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 104


                                     BUS  FA RE  CHART
               B etw een        dow ntow n  Post  Grant  Front  Adams  Beach

               dow ntow n         :-----  .50    .65   .80    .95   1.10
               Post                .50    ------  .40  .55   .70    .85

               Grant               .65    .40    ------  .40  .55   .70

               Front               .80    .55    .40   ------  .40  .55
               Adams               .95    .70    .55   .40   ------  .40
               Beach              1.10    .85   .70    .55   .40

             1. from downtown to
                                            SUBW AY  FARE  CHART
                Beach St.
             2. from  Post St. to        ZO N E       A    B   c    D
                Adams St.
             3.  from Grant St. to   A downtown       .75  .85  1.00  1.25
                Front St.
             4. from downtown to     B Post/Grant     .85  .45  .55  .65
                Front St.
                                     C Front/Adams   1.00  .55  .35  .45
             5. from Grant St. to
                Beach St.
                                     D Beach         1.25  .65  .45  .35

             On  Your Own

             A.  Get schedules of three kinds of transportation that go to the
               same place and fill out the chart below.
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109