Page 101 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 101


         B. Look at the information.  Make a question, and then answer it
           using  expensive,  tiring,  or complicated.  Follow the  model.
           N h ìn  thông tin  đ ặ t câu hỏi,  sau đó trả  lờ i sứ d ụ ng  expensive,
           tirin g ,  hay  em pỉicated  theo  m ẫu  bẽn  dưới.
         c. Look at the information.  Make a question and then answer it.
           N h ìn   thông  tin   đ ặ t  câu  hỏi,  sau  đó  trả   lờ i  theo  m ẫu  dưới.

                  QUESTION                         ANSW ER
           Shall we go by train or by    Let's go  by bus.  Going  by  bus  is
           bus?                          less expensive than going by train.
            1. train/$2.00               2. bus/complicated
              bus/$1.00                     subway/not complicated
            3. ferry/not tiring          4.  train/$3.00
              bus/very tiring               subway/$1.50
                    QUESTION                       ANSWER
            W hy  do  you  want  to  go  by   Going  by ferry is more  scenic and
           ferry?                        less expensive than going by subway.
           Why  don’t you  want  to  go  by   Going by subway is less scenic and
           subway?                       more expensive than going by ferry.

            1. ferry/scenic/$1.50        3. streetcar/not comfortable/not
              subway/not scenic/$2.50       convenient
            2. ferry/scenic/not tiring   4.  subway/comfortable/$2.50
              bus/not very scenic/tiring    train/not comfortable/$5.00
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