Page 103 - Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Trường Dạy Nghề
P. 103
J ü l
1. How much does it cost to go
from downtown to the
by bus: H tcoili s/JO ______
by subway: coiU. $/.25 A downtown .75 .85 1.00 1.25
Which is cheaper?________
B Clay/ .85 .45 .55 .65
^ ke. kui. ii ckecifieA.._______ Pine
2. How muck does it cost to go
from Clay St. to the airport? c Smith/ 1.00 .55 .35 .45
by bus:__________________
by subway:_______________
D Airport 1.25 .65 .45 ,35
Which is more expensive?
3. How muck does it cost to go from Smith St. to Lake St.?
by bus:____________ by subway:____________________________
Which is cheaper?_________________________________________
4. How much does it cost to go from Lake St. to downtown?
by bus:____________ by subway:____________________________
Which is more expensive?__________________________________
B. Find a classmate. One asks the questions. One Looks at the
schedules and answers the questions. Follow the model.
T ìm m ột người bạn cùng lớp. M ột người đ ặ t câu hỏi, m ột
người n hìn các lịc h trĩn h và trả lờ i cảu hỏi theo m ẫu bên
a s k a n s w e r
How muck does it cost to go It costs $1.10.
from downtown to Beach St. by bus?
How muck does it cost by subway? It costs $1.25.
Which way is cheaper? The bus is cheaper.