Page 32 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 32

5.  For stamps and coins to be of value, they need to be in m in t_____.
            A. State          B. situation       c. condition      D. appearance

       6.  The professor looked as if he were  ____ away in a world of his own.
            A. yíirds         B. kilometres      c. streets        D. miles
       7.  Dave gave the oữĩce party a ______ that year.
            A. miss           B. hit             c. chance         D. break
       8.  The cup is full to th e ______ so be careíul when you carry it.
            A. brim           B. boundary       c. verge           D. border

       9.  Young children are often ______to illnesses such as measles.
            A. liable         B. sensitive      c. susceptible     D. apt

       10.  Some people like t o ______ their neck doing dangerous sports.
            A. endanger       B. breeik          c. twist          D. risk

       11.  After losing my job, I was on the   ___of a nervous breakdovvn.
            A. border         B. brim            c. verge          D. bounds
       12.  The  school  playing fields  are  out o f ___  while  equipment  is being set
           up for the cricket match.
            A. bounds         B. brim            c. verge          D. border
       13.  Children should keep away from the river______ in case they fall in.
            A. bounds         B. bank           c. brim           D. border
       14.  We’re spending our holidays on th e ______this summer.
            A. beach          B. bank           c. coast          D. shore

       15.  The old lady      _ her bag for fear she might lose it.
            A. seized         B. grabbed         c. grasped        D. clutched

       16.  Isn’t packing three suitcases for a weekend away going a b it_____?
            A. overload       B. overhead        c. overboard      D. overskill
       17.  In  spite  of  his  stammer,  Gerald  rose  to  the      and  delivered  a
           tascinating speech.
            A. top            B. situation       c. bait           D. occasion

       18.  “How often do you visit your parents?”
           “ ______ so often, even though they live some distance away.”
            A. Even           B.  Ever           c. Every         D. Never

       19.  My puppy was very expensive because he’s a special______ .
            A. breed          B.  sect           c. tribe         D. caste
       20.  “Do you think I should ask Andy?”
           ‘T’m sure he’ll be on ly______ willing to help you with the project.”
            A. just           B.  too            c. that          D. so

                                       Tài liệu ôu thi THPT Ouốc ỊỊÌÍÌ môìì TiéiiỊĩ Anh  33
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