Page 31 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 31
17. Mr W right_______his vegetable garden carefully.
A. attends B. grows c. maintains D. tends
18. Employees of the company are forbidden t o ______ information about the
secret formula.
A. betray B. divulge c. portray D. unveil
19. The soldier didn’t ______his comrades even when he was pressured to
do so.
A. reveal B. divulge c. betray D. disclose
20. The removal men ____ the heavy piano up the stairs with great
A. toted B. shoved c. thrust D. heaved
21. S h e_____ a few clothes into a case and hurried to the airport.
A. scattered B. piled c. shoved D. heaved
22. My fear of wasps _____ from the fact that I was severely stung as a child.
A. begets B. stems c. generates D. commences
23. This year’s series of open-air plays __ with a performance of “Electra”.
A. stems B. originates c. derives D. commences
24. We could hear the m onkeys___ long before we reached their cage.
A. chatting B. prattling c. chattering D. babbling
25. Jane about the surprise party for Sheila and now the whole idea
is ruined.
A. blabbed B. gossiped c. prattled D. chatted
1. I think you a nerve when you mentioned Ralph’s forthcoming
A. touched B. had c. drilled D. hit
2. Yes, I saw the last episode of the series, but I’m none t h e ___ about
what really happened.
A. better B. surer c. cleverer D. wiser
3. Thousands of reíugees are camping at the between the two
countries, hoping to fĩnd asylum.
A. boundary B. brim c. border D. rim
4. After six months of convalescence in a nursing home, Simon is finally on
th e ______ .
A. mend B. top c. go D. run
3 2 - m h Bcị