Page 30 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 30


          1.  The border guards have been accused o f______refugees.
               A. pestering      B. getting on at  c. teasing         D. harassing

          2.  My young nieces kept      ___me to buy them sweets.
               A. pestering      B. teasing         c. getting on at   D. harassing

          3.  I ______ a plate when I was washing up, but it can still be used.
               A. snapped        B. smashed         c. chipped        D.  shattered

          4.  The  w indscreen______ into  a thousand  pieces  when  the  car hit  a lamp-
               A. smashed        B. shattered       c . snapped       D.cracked

          5.  The optician says you have to wear glasses, like it o r ______ it.
               A. jump           B. loathe          c. dislike        D. lump
          6.  You will be putting your life on th e ___  if you take up skydiving.
               A. line           B. way             c. lane           D. ground
          7.  His íriends and family left him in th e ______ when he went bankrupt.
               A. church         B. lurch           c. end            D. Street

          8.  ru reserve_______on Ben Shipley’s latest novel until I’ve read it.
               A. condemnation  B. thought          c. judgement      D. criticism

          9.  Tara was really laying i t ___   on about her accident at work.
               A. fine           B. broad           c. thin           D. thick

          10.  Were you on the  _____when you said you had resigned from work?
               A. wagon          B. flat            c. level          D. town
          11.  Stars of the Hollyvvood silver screen tended to be larger th a n _____.
               A. life           B. drama           c. reality        D. ever
          12.  ơudging from  the  noise  it  is  making,  the  washing machine  is  on  its  last

               A. gasp           B. legs            c. resort         D. breath
          13.  I left the house in a hurry and my bedroom was         with clothes.
               A. scattered      B. dispersed       c . strewn        D. sprinkled
          14.  Always having h ad ___ feet, Delia is off again, backpacking round India.
               A. itchy          B. scratchy        c. sore           D. light

          15.  The skaters        gracefully across the ice.
               A. slid           B. glided          c. slipped        D. skidded

          16.  The cat slept peaceíully_____ in the long grass.
               A. nestled        B. huddled         c. snuggled       D. cuddled
                                          Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh  31
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