Page 192 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 192
6 4 ..................................
• There was credible intelligence information that the Chemical _______
might be targeted by environmental groups.
• Their eíTorts t o _______ a bomb on a transatlantic ílight were thwarted by
the SWAT team.
• In an attempt to boost the town’s image as the greenest town in the
region they intend t o _______ 2,000 seedlings in the centre.
Now, without anybody to turn to, he had to the biggest challenge
in his life.
• You’re in love with her. Don’t deny it. It’s written all over your______.
3 The acne on h is ______ didn’t want to disappear no matter how often she
went to the solarium.
• Holmes was sitting in his favourite chair with his pipe in his mouth
in thought.
• She looks and talks tough, b u t______down she’s a very sensitive person
that can be easily oíĩended.
• Everybody, take a ______ breath. The roller coaster ride is about to begin.
6 7 ..................................
• You really want me to cheat my clients? Come on! We’ve ______ a
reputation for being fair and trustvvorthy.
• Josh is said to h a v e______ a small fortune selling second-hand goods and
fake jewellery.
• I was not going to get rid of my car. Though old, it still its keep.
• His ideology was shaped by a bunch of clerics giving speeches in a local
of worship.
• Don’t _____________ too much emphasis on grammar. Vocabulary is more
• After the last orders were taken and the pub closed for the night, he took
her to h is ______ to fínish their fabulous night with a glass of champagne.
6 9 ..................................
• The new System ensuing fair treatment of all the people will come into
next year under the auspices of the United Nations.
• Headquarters £ire planning to carry out a major ______ to take the
insurgents off the streets.
• He underwent a major bypass ______ when his heeirt started to send
vvorrying signals.
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc ỉĩia môn TiếnỊi Anh - 193