Page 188 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 188

           Yes,  you’re  right.  I  shouldn’t  have  reacted  the  way  I  did.  I ______ you  a
           sincere apology.
           Don’t forget you still m e ______5 pounds. You won’t get away with this.
           They always feel extremely grateíul for his kind help and support. In fact,
           they think th ey ______ everything to him.

           Praise and your tender loving care ca n __      up your child’s self-esteem
           and help him become a responsible person.
           Let  me  think,  officer.  The  man  was  in  his  late  thirties,  dark,  and  of
           m uscular______ , with a tattoo on his left arm.
           Now  that  tension  and  racial  hatred  is  out  of the  way,  we  need  t o ______
           bridges between the two communities.
           I’m wondering if I could huy a ______ of íírst class stamps here.
           We  strongly recommend  that you  don’t  hesitate  a n d ______ now because
           this destination is highly popular with passengers.
           The  enforcement  oíĩícials  were  particularly  careful  to  do  everything  hy
           th e ______ while searching his house. They wanted to avoid a lawsuit.
           The  night beíore  she was  to get  married to a Vietnamese  immigrant,  her
           female friends organized a h en ______.
           Having waited two days,  the police decided to send out a search______ to
           scour the forest where the man had been last seen.
           As the newly elected______ leader he vowed to beat the Conservatives in
           the next elections. An old cliché, but quite effective at that time.
        4 4   ...............................
        •   Living  under  a  totalitarian  ____   is  always  very  diíĩĩcult  for  free-
           thinking individuals.
        •  If you  go  on  feasting on junk food,  it’s  going to  have  a devastating eíĩect
           on your digestive_______ .
        •  The  question whether there  are  intelligent living forms outside  our solar
                   has always perplexed scientists as well as philosophers.

        4 5   ...............................
        •   Take  necessary  precautions  when  travelling  on  public  transport.
           Somebody may pick your______.
        •  He  reached  into  the  inside  ______  of his jacket  to  produce  his  passport,
           but it was gone.
        •   The  whole  town  was  his.  Even  the  mayor  was  in  his  ______   .  In  fact,
           nobody could challenge his position.

                                       Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Onắc ffia môn  Tiếng Anh -  189
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