Page 197 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 197

9 4   ...............................
        •   It  was  widely  believed  in  the  Middle  Ages  that  some  people  could  turn
           into werewolves when the moon w a s______.
        •   To feed her three babies,  she was forced to w ork______ time in a Chinese
        •   The cost of the stay includes______ board and unlimited use of our sports
           facilities. So feel free to peưnper yourseir.

        9 5   ...............................
        •   Young talented  football  players  c a n ______ enormously  if they  are  given
           the chance to learn from the best.
        •   It’s not a picnic to live on unem ploym ent______ in Poland.  Each day is a
        •   With  t h e ______ of hindsight,  it  was  obvious  that  the  security  measures
           hadn’t been adequate enough to stop the attack.

        9 6   ...............................
        •   Life  in  the  town  ______   seemed  too  hectic  for  him.  On  the  other  hand,
           living on the outskirts was a bit inconvenient.
        •   In an effort to cut costs the telephone operator established its ca ll______
           in a íoreign country.
        •   Don’t say that, Jenny. I do adore you. You’re th e ______ of my universe.
        9 7   ...............................
        •   Let’s ask a local where we are because I find it diíĩĩcult t o ______ that old
           map of yours.
        •   Ann’s  going to burn the  midnight  oil tonight.  She  needs  t o ______ up  on
           biology before her exam tomorrow.
        •   YouVe got to tell me what you’re thinking. I can’t _____your mind, can I?

        9 8   ...............................
        •   I  don’t  trust  politicians  as  a  ______  rule.  One  can’t  be  too  careful,  can
        •   At  the  end  of their  investigation  the  committee  came  up  with  a ______
           overview of the banking sector and recommended some changes.
        3  The  president  dissolved the  parliament  and  called fo r ______ elections to
           be held as soon as possible.

        9 9   ...............................
        •   The  government  has  come  under  ______   from  the  press  for  not  doing
           enough to provide people with affordable housing.
        •   I  told  you  she  would  take  to  him.  In  fact,  they  got  on  like  a  house  on

        •   Exhausted and soaked, the scouts made a ______ upon reaching the camp.

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