Page 145 - Tài Liệu Ôn Thi THPT Quốc Gia Môn Tiếng Anh
P. 145

go for a walk on a big hill, in bad vveather with a heavy pack. Aíler (2 )______
        an experience, you will know (3 )______you want to spend time together on a
        longer,  (4)  ______   challenging  walk.  All  people  like  to  wedk  (5)  ______
        different  ways  -   some  fast,  some  slow;  while  some  people  like  to  talk,  (6)
        ______prefer to immerse themselves in the sounds of (7 )_______countryside..
        None  of (8)        should be  a problem  as  long as you  can work  (9)
        your diíĩerences by compromising and talking about eveiything.
           It is best to (1 9 )______ things gently during the ílrst few hours of a walk,
        or  even  days  in  a  long  trip,  gently.  If  one  of you  stEirts  showing  signs  of
        tiredness,  it  helps  if (1 1 )______ in  the  group  keeps  looking  (1 2 )_______the
        bright  side.  And  it  is  always  important  to  remember  that  (13)  ______ is  no
        reason why you have to stick to your planned route.  It  (1 4 )______ advisabỉe
        to alter the route if necessary,  (1 5 )______match the conditions or the mood
        of your companions.

        15.             EDUCATING TOMORROW’S LEADERS
           When  it  comes  to  educating  tomorrow’s  leaders,  it  would  be  wrong  to
        assume that there  is a form\ila that  can be  applied to  (1 )______ people into
        great  leaders.  But  it  is  possible  to  prepare  youngsters  for  leadership  (2)
        ______teaching them some essential skills. We all have the potential to lead,
        and,  (3 )______ importantly, the ability to improve our skills. The íírst step is
        to let young people look at the great leaders (4 )______ know about. They vvill
        soon realise that leaders have  (5 )______ own,  personal ways  of leading.  But
        faced with the  prospect  of comparing themselves  (6 )______ famous  leaders,
        youngsters  (7 )______ well feel  discouraged.  We  need to  give  them  examples
        of leadership (8)       can be found all around us.
           There  are  countless  opportunities  to  pick  (9)     leadership  skills  at
        school,  in  the  sports  field,  and  even  at  home.  We  should  encourage
        youngsters  to  take  (10)  ______  projects  which  involve  leadership.  It  is  also
        advisable  for  them  to  keep  a  journal  (11)  ______   they  can  record  their
        experiences as leaders,  (12)______if they seem small and unimportant. They
        can  put  (13)  ______ what  they  did  well  and  also  where  they have  done  (14)
        ______  .  This  is  not  a  waste  of time because  (15)  ______ a journal  will  be  a
        valuable reference for years.

        16.                            CHILD STARS
           Five  little  girls  from  London,  aged  between  nine  and  eleven,  are  being
        prepared  for  a  career  as  pop  stars.  They  look  much  the  (1)  ______ as  other
        children in the smart uniíorms of the London school which they  (2 )______ .
        But  while  their  friends  are  thinking  about  homework  or  what’s  (3)  ______
        dinner  tonight,  Jade,  dessica,  Fiona  and  Carmen  are  wondering  (4)  ______
        soon it will be before they are top (5 )______the pop music charts. The group

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